WORKSHOP 2 | GHEP-OS Autumn 2024
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WS2 | Mixture interpretation and the use of the probabilistic genotyping software EuroForMix and DNAStatistX
Peter Gill, Oyvind Bleka & Corina Benschop
October 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2024 (Tuesdays). 16h-19h (CET).
• Anyone interested in probabilistic genotyping software to aid in the evaluation of mixed DNA profiles can attend, including DNA reporting officers, DNA scientists, DNA analysts, DNA technical leaders, laboratory directors, attorneys and consultants.
• The workshop is aimed toward an audience familiar with the issues surrounding complex DNA mixture interpretation and having some experience with statistical calculations.
• Understanding of likelihood ratio principles and application to autosomal capillary electrophoresis generated mixture profiles.
• Hands-on experience using EuroForMix and DNAStatistX for weight of evidence calculations.
• Knowledge on how to report the results to court.
• Insight in functionalities of the various software (including DNAStatistX, EuroForMix, EFMrep, EFMex).
• Insight in expected trends for EuroForMix/ DNAStatistX.
• EuroForMix, DNAStatistX, EFMrep, EFMex, CaseSolver
This workshop on DNA mixture interpretation using the software EuroForMix/ DNAStatistX is ranged from basic to advanced principles, usage and reporting of results.
This workshop includes an introduction to the interpretation of DNA mixtures and explanation of likelihood ratio calculations using EuroForMix/DNAStatistX. Hands-on exercises will be performed using provided exercises and using participants’ own data. Instructions will be provided to enable users to download the latest versions of the freely available software onto their laptops beforehand. How to use the software, how to interpret the results as well as how to report the results will be discussed.
After the first half of the course, users understand the principles of LR calculations, will be able to run EuroForMix and DNAStatistX software on provided exercises and on their own data, are able to report the results, can perform trouble shooting, and gained insight on some of the expected trends. In the second half of the course, participants gain a deeper insight in expected trends, learn how to use advanced software modules and principles, such as EFMrep, CaseSolver and EFMex, for use on cases with data from different STR typing kits, large cases, multiple persons of interest, or possible relatedness.
To increase interaction in this online format, poll questions as well as quizzes are included.
Instructions & Material (available only to workshop participants)
Zoom ( Links will be sent to confirmed participants by email, at least 24h before the sessions.
We inform you that each of these sessions will be recorded.
English. Transcripts in English and automatic subtitles in your preferred language will be available.