Payment procedures
If you are a GHEP-ISFG member, we ask you to pay online by credit card in you user area. If payment with a credit card is not possible, you may also pay by bank transfer. Please follow the instructions available here.
If you are not a GHEP-ISFG member, please create an account in our webpage. If you already have an account, place your email address and your password to enter. Once inside your personal area, you may complete and/or update your information, request to become a GHEP-ISFG member, register for any ongoing activity (Exercises, GHEP-ISFG Meetings, Workshops, etc) and pay with a credit card or by bank transfer.
Invoicing is automatic through the generation of a proforma invoice in each initiated payment procedure. You should confirm that the complete paying entity’s details are correct. The tax ID number is absolutely required if you need a final ordinary invoice.
If you pay by bank transfer:
Required - send notification of payment by e-mail to the Treasury, clearly indicating the invoice number and/or full Name since, otherwise, the payment may be considered as not carried out.
Important - You should make sure that the GHEP-ISFG receives the whole fee amount, once banking fees have been deduced.
20 euros/year (from 2023)
For any clarification, please contact the GHEP-ISFG Treasury at