Preliminary Chapter. Essential definitions: Denomination, legal environment, address, and length.
First Article
The Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Working Group of the ISFG (GHEP-ISFG) is a civil association of scientific nature within the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG), with non-profit aim and acting as a distinct legal entity fully able to achieve its stated objectives.
Second Article
The Association is governed by Article 22 of the Spanish Constitution, Organic Law 1/2002 of 22nd March, which regulates the right of association and by the current Statutes. The Association was formed by the will of the founders according to paragraph 10 of the Statues of the ISFG as a working group integrated in this Society.
Third Article
The registered address is situated in Las Rozas de Madrid (Madrid, Spain), C/ José Echegaray, 4 (Zip Code 28232).
Fourth Article
The geographic localisation foreseen for the main development of their activities is Spain, Portugal and Latin American countries, but activities may be carried out in other areas.
Fifth Article
This Association has been constituted for an indefinite period.
First Chapter. Aims and specific objectives
Sixth Article
The main aim of this Association is to promote and contribute to the development and diffusion of scientific knowledge in the area of forensic genetics. In order to achieve these aims, the following activities will be undertaken:
- Organise scientific meetings of the Group and participate in those of the ISFG.
- Promote relationships and cooperation between its members, in addition to other groups within the ISFG and other scientific groups working in related areas.
- Provide counsel to public organs and collaborate with universities and private organisations in scientific and technical research, in addition to offering legal protection to genetics as applied to forensic work.
- Encourage the adoption of guidelines provided by the ISFG relative to the endorsement of techniques, standards and their quality controls, and all that relates to the general use of genetic markers for forensic use.
Second Chapter. Members
Seventh Article
- Full membership is open to all academic graduates who are members of the ISFG, and whose scientific work is related to Forensic Genetics.
- Those wishing to become members should contact the Secretary of the Group in writing, confirming their membership of the ISFG, together with the recommendations of two members of the Group.
- No member can use their membership nor the name or logo of the Association for publicity.
Eighth Article
- Members will have the following rights:
- To be summoned to participate and vote at General Assembly meetings.
- To be elected to occupy any function within the Executive Committee.
- To receive general inormation on the activities of the Association.
- To take part in any activity organised by the Association in the fulfillment of their aims.
- To make suggestions to the Executive Committee to further the aims of the Association.
- Nineth Article
Members’ duties include:
- Following the current Statutes, the resolutions and the agreements properly reached by the General Assembly and the Executive Committee, always within the law.
- Contributing, by the agreed cuota to the expenses generated by the working of the Group.
- Informing the Secretary of the Associaton of any variation which occurs in contact details, so that communication may always be received.
Tenth Article
Lost of membership will occur if any of the following are met:
- Member's request, by means of a written notification to the Group's board.
- Delay in paying yearly membership during two years.
- Requirement to dismiss, proposed by the board and approved by at least three fifths of the General Assembly where it appears that the member has committed serious misconduct or caused prejudice to the Association, the aims it pursues or scientific ethics.
- Death.
Third chapter. Organization and Functions
Eleventh Article
The entities which direct the Group are the General Assembly and the Executive Committee.
Twelveth Article
General Assembly: Is the entity having overall authority in the Group, being composed of all its members, and which will meet during ordinary and extraordinary sessions, during which the President and Secretary of the Executive Committee shall participate, and having been properly constituted when at least one fifth of the members participating either in person or being represented. It shall be held at least once per year as an ordinary meeting to discuss past management, the scale of objectives achieved and the activities carried out. The extraordinary meetings shall be held by initiative of the Executive Committee or by one fifth of the members, to debate specific points as listed in the agenda. Meetings of the Assembly shall be called for at least fifteen days in advance. In general agreements shall be reached by a simple majority of the members present at the meeting. However, in order to modify the statutes, to expel a member, to reprove the Executive Committee or to dissolve the Group, agreement must be reached by at least three fifths of members eligible to vote. Members can delegate their vote to any other member provided that this is specified in writing and signed and given to the Secretary at the beginning of the Assembly.
Thirteenth Article
Executive Committee: Is the permanent entity responsible for the routine functioning of the Group. It is composed of the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer who shall be elected by a simple majority at a General Assembly for a period of two years, after which they can be re-elected. The President may be re-elected once only. Members of the Executive Committee cease acting at the end of the elected period, or because of desistance, of death, or by decision taken at a General Assembly, and should remain at their posts until they be properly substituted.
Fourteenth Article
The functions of the President are:
- To call for and preside over the General Assembly, carrying out the decisions therein reached.
- Stimulate the functioning of the Group to achieve its objectives.
- Represent the Group. However, by prior communication to the General Assembly, this representation can be delegated by the President to any other member, specifying the scope and conditions of the assignment at the meeting.
Fifteenth Article
The Vice-President shall support and advise the President, acting exceptionally as a temporary substitute when the latter cannot exercise his position. The post of Vice-President shall correspond to that of outgoing President, except in the case of censure in which case the post shall be filled by the individual who last completed a presidency.
Sixteenth Article
The Secretary shall:
- Maintain records of each of the General Assembly meetings, co-signing them with the President.
- Undertake all the functions appropriate of a Secretariat, in particular sending communications to members, maintaining an updated membership list, dealing with new membership requests, preparing files and documents as necessary and providing certificates.
Seventeenth Article
The Treasurer shall:
- Receive the members’ subscriptions and pay the expenses authorised by the President.
- Manage the accounts and prepare financial reports for every ordinary General Assembly meeting, and for any other meeting that be specifically requested.
Fourth chapter. Financial organization
Eighteenth Article
The Group is not externally funded and operates essentially with the income derived from members’ subscriptions, the values of which are determined at General Assembly meetings bearing in mind expected expenses, and any other income which can be legally accumulated such as that derived from previous contributions. This income is destined to cover administrative expenses and expenses caused by organizing the Group’s activities, and shall not be divided between the members. Should the Group be dissolved, the Executive Committee shall become a liquidating commission and, after fulfilling its duties and obligations, shall make available all remaining funds to a competent authority such that they be passed onto institutions having the same aim and objectives of the Group.
Disposición adicional
Everything not foreseen on this document shall be done under the current "Ley Orgánica 1/2002, de 22 de marzo, reguladora del Derecho de Asociación, y las disposiciones complementarias".
María José Farfán Espuny, Secretary of the Organisation,
CERTIFIES: que los presentes Estatutos, rubricados al margen en las tres páginas anteriores, han sido modificados para adaptarlos a las previsiones de la Ley Orgánica 1/2002, de 22 de marzo, por acuerdo de la Asamblea General de socios convocada al efecto y celebrada en Buenos Aires, con fecha 15 de septiembre de 2009.
En Madrid, a 13 de octubre de 2009
Fdo.: María José Farfán Espuny Fdo.: Lourdes Prieto Solla
Secretaria Presidente