Spanish and Portuguese-speaking Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics

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Education in contemporary statistics and interpretation

Accordingly with the presented and approved in the General Assembly in the last Meeting in Coimbra, we propose a new Working Commission in order to improve the knowledge of the GHEP members on statistical evaluation and interpretation.

Main Goal:

The working Commission has as main objective to contribute to the permanent updating of the GHEP members by improving their training in statistics, so that the knowledge acquired allows them to follow and understand the advances on forensic genetics in the current literature.


1- A questionnaire will be prepared and sent to the GHEP members in order to perceive the doubts and gaps of training in the statistical analysis and interpretation of results, in general.

2- The results of the survey will be published on the GHEP website so that the members know the needs of the group regarding their training in statistics.

3- The coordinator of the Commission or any interested GHEP member will prepare presentations that cover those needs.

4- A group of anonymous advisers will review the presentations and, if they are considered suitable, they will be uploaded to the GHEP website for consultation of the members.


Requirements for participants:

The participants must be GHEP members and have the membership fees up to date.


  • Date of issue of the survey: March 26, 2018. Download the survey here (only avalable in Spanish)
  • Deadline for answering the survey: May 25, 2018.
  • Publication of survey results: June 25, 2018. Download results here (only avalable in Spanish)
  • From that moment on, any GHEP member may contact the coordinator to schedule the presentations they consider. During the next GHEP-ISFG meeting (2018), to be held in Araraquara, a summary of what has been done to date will be presented.


- Presentations can be made in any of the three languages (Portuguese, Spanish or English)

Coordinator and contact:

Víctor Saragoni, Servicio Médico Legal, Santiago de Chile: