Spanish and Portuguese-speaking Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics

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XVIII Meeting, Seville 2013

Organizing Institution

Instituto Nacional de Toxicología y Ciencias Forenses

Departamento de Sevilla

Ministerio de Justicia (ESPAÑA)

Workshop Post-Congress: GHEP-MIX-2012, Manuel Crespillo, Pedro A, Barrio, Mª José Farfán, Juan Antonio Luque, Iñaki Yiurrebaso, Carlos Baeza, Lourdes Prieto, Hinda Haned 

GHEP Meeting: info (English), programme (only available in Spanish)

Download Presentations (only available in Spanish):

  1. General results (Koro Fernandez)
  2. Fluid Identification (Eva Cubillo)
  3. Autosomal markers (Julia García)
  4. Mixtures M4 and M7 (Victoria Prieto)
  5. Sexual chromosomes (Andrea Sala)
  6. mtDNA (Manuel Lopez-Soto)
  7. Sample M8 (human-nonhuman mixture (Cintia Alves)
  8. Theoretical study - basic level  (Javier Capilla)
  9. Kinship paper challenge (Ulises Toscanini)
  10. Forensic paper challenge (Manuel Crespillo)

Working Commissions (only available in Spanish or Portuguese):

  1. WC Indels for Identification (Rui Pereira)
  2. WC Analysis of mixed profiles GHEPMIX-4  (Manuel Crespillo)
  3. WC: Education and training on forensic genetics (Mereces Aler and Susana Jiménez)

New Proposals (only presentation number 3 available in English)

  1. WC: Indels for Ancestry (Rui Pereira)
  2. WC: MPI-DVI (Carlos Vullo)
  3. WC: mtDNA mutation in hair (Sergio Cardoso)
  4. WC: SPInDel: indels for sp identification (Antonio Amorim)

 xviii_meeting_programme.pdf evidence_ghep.csv